Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Newsweek's Semi-Annual Anti-Christian Cover Story

We ought to be used to it by now--the Christmas and Easter editions of "Time", "Newsweek", and the rest of the liberal ilk. We can generally expect an article about why the Jesus we proclaim as the Son of the Living God (because He did so first) was instead just a new age guru who arranged his own execution through Judas (the only disciple who truly understood him), or a misunderstood Rabbi who would have been appalled at the very idea of "Christianity", or who faked his crucifixion and married Mary Magdalene(or, his "beloved disciple", John!). and ran off to Paris.

We ought to be used to it, but it still gets under my skin. Perhaps it is just because the editors of those magazines don't have the guts to insult other major religions on such a regular basis (perhaps out of a well founded fear of the world-wide reaction if they did so).

This year Newsweek has proclaimed, through the voice of a self described "devout, though deeply flawed" Episcopalian on their staff, that the final decline and fall of Christian America is well under way. They even have the data to prove it! That's not to say that there aren't a few interesting points in the article-- its just that most of it is silly opinion under the guise of actual news reporting (or, worse yet, research!).

Americans have always been notoriously strong on religious (now called 'spiritual') feelings and short on theological reflection. The old Church as Social Club has been replaced by Sports as Social Club, etc.

Newsweek's obituary for American Christianity is vastly overdone. It might be more interesting and instructive to the reader if they would come out with articles about the thriving religious communities in this country, Christian and otherwise, at the various holy seasons of the year and allow the people in them to express the hope and joy they experience as part of them.

But that would mean an end to editorializing by ignorant (and pretty much uninterested) reporters for the sake of the actual story. Not likely in today's left wing press.

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